JANUARY SALE!! Save Up To $10.05 On Your AWS Exam!
Order AWS Voucher Now and Save More TODAY while supplies last! You may redeem the voucher and take your AWS exam by the voucher expiry date.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) certification validate technical skills and cloud expertise to grow your career and business. Getting AWS Certified can help you propel your career, whether you’re looking to find a new role, showcase your skills to take on a new project, or become your team’s go-to expert.
GraceTech Solutions offers AWS certification exam vouchers with discounted prices, so you can SAVE MONEY immediately on your AWS certifications.
AWS offers four-level certifictions: Foundational, Associate, Professional and Specialty Levels. Please visit AWS Official Website for more information.
Our AWS voucher is a discounted, pre-paid permit to write the exam. Usually, you would pay at Pearson VUE test center for your AWS exam. But to take advantage of our voucher program, you can purchase the discount AWS test voucher from us and save money immediately on your exam. The voucher number (or so-called voucher code) is all you need to register and take your exam at an authorized Pearson VUE testing center or online at home. You don't have to pay any extra fee.
AWS voucher is only valid in the country you specify, and will be delivered via email in 12 hours after you place the order. One voucher is good for one exam only.
This is my second purchase from I originally came across your site by way of a Google search. I love the vouchers-in-minutes program! Thanks!
Connard B.
This is the first time that I have used this new process and it is great. Of course, I like the other, also. I felt it was very secure, maybe more so than I think of this process, but I will give it some more thought later. Thanks again for your services.
Robert S.
This is just a note to let you folks know I was very pleased with the speed and reliability of your voucher-purchasing program. I will let my students know about this website when they're ready to get certified, and I will certainly be back to get additional vouchers for my own certification exams.